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Top 6 Phimosis treatment creams for curing tight foreskin

Lubrication is a crucial step when using phimosis treatment rings at home for ensuring smooth, frictionless movement. Wondering about which creams to use for treating tight foreskin? We got you covered. 

There are a variety of phimosis treatment creams that you can strategically use during different stages of phimosis stretching process to help solve tight foreskin issues. Each of these phimosis creams has specific use applications. For instance, some creams are more suited to resolving any fungal infections while others just provide lubrication. When using Phimostretch rings, it is recommended to opt for a cream or oil that provides lubrication and helps in speeding the results. The effectiveness of these creams can vary based on your specific needs so keep in mind to purchase one based on your condition. Coconut oil, being a great lubricant, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, is mostly beneficial for all. Having said that, all the listed creams, as a result of their inherent properties, are also going to be well suited to most people with a tight foreskin, so, you can pick one based on individual factors.

These are the 6 phimosis creams that you need to learn more about-

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is probably our favorite oil in this list, mostly because it is an extremely versatile oil, very cheap, smells great, and is readily available in almost every country. The medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid in coconut oil have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent fungal overgrowth and maintain a healthy biome in your foreskin area. Make sure you look for “Extra-virgin 100% pure organic coconut oil” which is cold-pressed when shopping for one. You can use it for the following applications-

If you have level 3 phimosis or above, improving glans sensitivity becomes really important as you work on loosening up your tight foreskin through stretching via Phimostretch rings and stretching exercises. Glans is more sensitive in individuals who have phimosis because it has not been accustomed to outside touch. So, in order to desensitize the glans and bring it back to normal sensitivity, applying oil over the glans prior to practicing gentle touches over the glans skin helps make the process easier.

As we have pointed out quite a few times in previous articles, it is really important to have a good lubricant when using rings. As you may well know by now, Coconut oil is one of our favorite oils for this purpose, though it is not the only oil that can be a good fit. Before wearing a Phimostretch ring, lubricate your foreskin and glans with coconut oil. 

Using Coconut oil also helps with maintaining a healthy biome in your foreskin and preventing fungal infections. Though, we would like to point out that if you already have pre-existing fungal, bacterial or yeast infections, you will need more potent creams containing antifungal agents that we will discuss later in this article.

If you have phimosis and you need to have intercourse without a condom, using a lubricant is really important to avoid paraphimosis and foreskin tears as a result of the intercourse since a person with phimosis is much more susceptible to these two issues that arise during intercourse. Coconut oil is perhaps our number one lubricant of choice for this. For prolonged intercourse though, make sure to re-lubricate your foreskin in order to avoid dryness as coconut oil gets absorbed by the skin pretty quickly. Having said that there are also commercial lubricants available that can be equally good. The only caveat will be to make sure they don’t cause any irritation on your foreskin as that doesn’t help if you are trying to issues such as phimosis and balanitis.

Betamethasone Cream (Topical Steroid cream)

Most of the scientific research on phimosis has been focused on the effect of using a steroid cream on children. And not surprisingly, it has been found that the steroid creams do help with loosening up the foreskin on children. However, even in these studies, the usage had to be accompanied by stretching exercises. 

None of these studies were done on adults but we can confirm that the steroid creams do help with phimosis. However, solving phimosis for adults is an entirely different ballgame compared to solving it for children who can adapt much easier to external stimulation. There is no way steroid cream as a standalone solution is going to work to loosen up the foreskin fully. Phimosis stretching through rings and stretching have to be the main regimen for adults. However, when used in conjunction with steroid creams such as betamethasone cream, it can make the phimosis progress a bit quicker. 

The steroid cream suppresses collagen in the area it is applied. The collagen is what gives the skin its suppleness. So, when it is applied to the phimotic band, it suppresses the collagen formation in that localized area. Because of this, the skin tissue of the phimotic band becomes looser and much more pliable to stretching.

Caution should be exercised when using steroid creams as excess usage or stronger steroid creams can have devastating effects on the skin. This is why, in most countries, including the US, the steroid creams are only available through a prescription from a medical professional. It is important to use this cream only as directed by a medical professional and not overuse it.

In general, you should apply it sparingly and only in the phimotic band area. To apply it, pull the foreskin back to the extent your phimotic ring allows it and apply it directly over the phimotic ring area. Once a day is more than enough, although using it intermittently every other day or even every other week makes a lot of sense. With rings, make sure you only apply it once you have taken the rings off and washed your foreskin and glans with warm water. It also makes sense to wash your foreskin and glans after applying the cream and prior to putting on the rings. 

You will find that combining Phimostretch rings with  2 finger stretching, frenulum stretching and steroid cream will really fast-track your progress with phimosis. However, we would once again want to emphasize that using Phimostretch rings along with stretching exercises need to be the main things you need to focus on the most.

Zinc and Castor Oil

Zinc oxide has a long history of finding applications even in ancient Greek and Indian civilizations (as back as 500 BC) as medical ointment because of its medicinal properties to treat mild skin issues. Even today, Zinc Oxide along with Castor oil are the main ingredients that are used in diaper rash creams for babies to act as a barrier and antiseptic. They are available over the counter (no need of prescriptions), very cheap and readily available in most countries. If it is good to apply on the babies, it is good to apply over your foreskin to treat and prevent rashes, itching, dermatitis, eczema, infections, chapped skin or other skin irritation. It works by forming a barrier to prevent moisture and contaminants. Please note that Zinc and castor oil may not be as effective against fungal and bacterial infections. So, you will need anti-fungal creams for that as we will explain later.

Not only are Zinc and Castor oil creams readily available, but they also do a splendid job in treating and preventing existing skin issues such as inflammation, itching, rashes, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, etc. Make sure the cream that you purchase doesn’t have any other ingredients that you may be allergic to. Some of these creams contain beeswax which some people can be allergic to. Zinc oxide and Castor oil creams are also often combined with Vitamin E serums and coconut oil for their added benefits skin recovery benefits. These additional ingredients should work well for most people. Make sure the label mentions Non-nano Zinc before purchasing. 

Zinc oxide and Castor oil is a really good cream to apply after wearing Phimostretch rings for an extended period of time. The reason is that wearing the rings for a long period of time leads to the build-up of moisture and contaminants in the foreskin and glans area. Hence applying zinc oxide and castor oil post usage helps counter that. Alternatively, you can also apply the cream after taking a shower.

Castor oil

Castor oil is widely used in skin care and topical medications and as a natural moisturizer because of their high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids. It is a vegetable oil made from castor beans. Make sure you look for 100% pure organic cold-pressed castor oil if you need to purchase it. Because Castor oil can help the skin retain moisture, it is widely used as an additive in popular moisturizers.

For phimosis stretching, it is a perfect oil to lubricate your foreskin and glans with regularly, and we recommend it as highly as coconut oil as our lubricant of choice when using Phimostretch rings. They can also act as a mild anti-fungal and fungal inhibitor which helps promote healthy biome in the foreskin region. Please note though, that they are still not as effective as an antifungal cream containing antifungal agents such as clotrimazole or miconazole. 

For improving glans sensitivity, castor oil is our favorite oil to recommend (as long as you can get over the smell of castor oil!) and we rate it even higher than coconut oil. The reason being that it doesn’t get as easily absorbed in the skin as coconut oil and hence forms a great barrier that can be used to slowly desensitize the glans to external touch.

If you have any foreskin tears or mild wounds around the foreskin or phimotic ring, castor oil can be really helpful with wound healing as it prevents the sores from drying out and build-up of dead skin cells but also acts as a barrier against outside environment and infections hence enabling healthy tissue recovery. 

One of the side effects of castor oil is that some people can be allergic to it. So, make sure you have no issues with using it before making it a staple oil in your phimosis stretching!

Emu Oil 

Emu oil has seen an unbelievable increase in popularity in recent years because of its terrific versatility that has led to its usage in a wide variety of skin care applications. Historically, Emu oil has been in use by the Australian native aboriginal population for thousands of years but only recently it has gained more popularity as more and more people learn about its health benefits.

Emu oil primarily contains healthy unsaturated fats along with omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fats derived from fatty tissues of a bird called Emu which is native to Australia. The oil has found its uses in skincare as it promotes healthy skin, fights scar tissues and inflammation, helps with wound healing as well as with resolving skin conditions such as dermatitis, rash, scaling, dry skin, rosacea and even chronic skin ailments such as lichen sclerosus. It is also an excellent moisturizer because of its ability to be absorbed by deep skin tissues quite easily since it consists of small particles that get absorbed into deep layers of skin. Because of its excellent antioxidant concentration that includes polyphenols, carotenoids, Vitamin A, etc., it has unique anti-inflammatory properties, thereby, even helping with joint and muscle aches as a topical oil. Scientific studies have even been conducted related to its efficacy in reducing skin damage when undergoing radiation therapy.

For phimosis stretching, emu oil offers something unique because of its effectiveness in stimulating and increasing healthy skin cell formation. Since phimosis stretching through Phimostretch rings works on the principle of tissue differentiation stimulated by gentle stretching, the fibrous phimotic band tissue undergoes differentiation leading to the enlarged surface area of the opening of the foreskin. Using emu oil post phimosis stretching may help with the healthy synthesis of new cells being formed as a result of differentiation. If not for anything else, you should consider using emu oil regularly for keeping your glans and foreskin healthy and adaptive to foreskin stretching.

Clotrimazole Cream

The creams and oils that we discussed earlier such as emu oil, castor oil, and coconut oil, even though they have mild anti-fungal properties, they are not as effective in treating a microbial infection such as balanitis. This is where antimicrobial creams such as clotrimazole creams are important to treat the foreskin of existing pathogens. These creams contain antifungal agents such as miconazole or clotrimazole that are much more effective in eliminating the overgrowth of pathogens.

Balanitis or candida is a yeast or fungal infection on the foreskin and glans. The symptoms include inflammation on the glans, itching or even pain. This inflammation is caused by the body’s natural reaction to microbial infection. Balanitis is often caused by inadequate hygiene under the foreskin and hence individuals with phimosis may be more prone to it. There is also a higher probability of balanitis in diabetics because of higher than normal blood sugar in the urine which enables excess growth of microbes around the foreskin. Sometimes, a microbial overgrowth can also be caused by allergic reactions to soaps or harmful chemicals when they come into contact with the foreskin and glans. This is why we recommend only using water for cleaning the area and to not use soap to clean the foreskin. Soap should instead be substituted by an emollient such as castor oil.  Candida can also be caused through intercourse if your partner has the infection.

Over the counter antifungal creams are generally good enough to solve the infection. Using the cream for 10 days usually solves the problem. It is important to note that healthy skin is a prerequisite for progressing with phimostretch rings. Hence before beginning the phimosis stretching process, if you feel there is also an underlying skin infection such as balanitis, you should go for a clotrimazole cream to first solve the infection. Usually, it clears up after 10 days of consistent use. Once that is done, your foreskin is now back to its normal health after which you can now focus on stretching the foreskin to make it looser. Keep in mind that there is always a chance of an infection recurring, which is why it is also important that you take preventive steps to avoid an infection such as maintaining good hygiene, avoiding soap and chemicals, using oils such as castor or emu oil regularly and even managing your diet to avoid excess sugar in bloodstream.

Which of these creams should you prioritize?

The answer is it depends. If you have the budget, having all 6 in your stack will surely give you an advantage. It also depends on what your current condition is like. For example, if your current skin is healthy without any infection, do you really need an antifungal cream at this point in time? Probably not. However, if you have an existing infection, you should probably prioritize getting an antifungal cream over the others. 

On healthy skin, you probably need only one of the above creams to get started with phimosis stretching as you should at least use 1 of the above-mentioned oils for lubrication during stretching. That should probably be good enough. Everything else is optional. Our recommendation is to use Coconut oil as a lubricant since it is easily accessible anywhere; it is cheap, it is versatile and it smells great. However, castor oil and Emu oil are equally good. Does it hurt to have all 3? Not at all. I would argue that it may even speed up your stretching progress if you use a mix of all three or apply them at different points in time during the day. For example, Emu oil, after stretching with the rings, can be excellent for stimulating healthy cell formation. Similarly, castor oil can be an excellent choice for improving glans sensitivity while preventing any new infections and keeping the skin healthy. A zinc oxide cream can help to be a barrier to prevent moisture build-up. Hence, an Optimized regimen will probably use all 6 creams for their specific functions. However, it is certainly not a requirement to have all of them. You can just get started with coconut oil and that should be good enough. 

Creams are supplements, not a solution for phimosis

It is worth pointing out that the above oils and creams are not a standalone solution for your phimosis, but a supplement to your stretching process. Without passive and active stretching, these oils are not going to be of much use in resolving your phimosis. Hence, you should prioritize your stretching with rings with coconut oil as a lubricant and then add these additional creams or oils into the mix if you need to. Having a good knowledge of the efficacy and unique properties of these 6 creams and oils should now hopefully help you make informed decisions on when and how to use these creams and what specific function they perform.