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Phimosis: Causes and Risk Factors for Tight Foreskin -Phimostretch

It is often cited that only 3 to 5 % of male uncircumcised population will have phimosis at some point. However the recent data suggests that this number is much higher. Some research papers even suggest that around 17 to 19% of  un-circumcised males have some some form of tight foreskin issues.

In this article, we will be discuss the causes of phimosis or tight foreskin. Before we get into it, we would like to clarify that the science of factors behind the exact causes is still very unclear and up for debates in some cases, which means it is difficult to say for sure why a certain individual has phimosis and what the exact root cause is without knowing the history and habits of the individual. However, there is some consensus that the causes of the tight foreskin issues is some of these factors discussed in this article, or a combination of factors. This article is intended to clarify some of the causes that gives you some perspective what may be causing phimosis or related issues. Let’s get right into it, shall we?

  1. Wrong masturbation technique

This is very rarely talked about in most research or online but there is good evidence to indicate that you most likely have phimosis because of incorrect masturbation practice since the beginning.

This means masturbating with the face down against the bed etc instead of using hands to pull the foreskin back and forth. Chances are you have been doing this since the beginning without even realizing that it is not the way you should be doing it. This technique is often called prone masturbation or traumatic masturbation syndrome.

Phimosis due to prone masturbation

If you are doing this often, the foreskin gets used to the motion of not retracting while erect as opposed to back and forth motion when masturbating with your hands. With time, it adapts to this motion and you get tight foreskin. The incorrect technique also puts a lot of pressure on your penis which can cause mild erectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse.

The solution to this is quite simple. Change your masturbation technique to using your hands for motion. It will be difficult at first. You ll need some willpower to completely stop prone masturbation and instead using hands for masturbation normally. But that needs to be done. And of course, in supplementation to that, start using Phimostretch rings and coconut oil regularly to loosen up the tight phimotic band.

  1. Fungal infection

Fungal infection is also one of the factors that contributes to phimosis. Some people actually develop phimosis later in life as an adult. Causes of it are not completely clear but a main factor to this is fungal infection. Even if you have phimosis from the very beginning, chances are fungal infection may be exacerbating it.

What is the solution? Anti-fungal ointments such as vaginal creams containing clotrimazole are readily available over the counter.

  1. Using soap or anti-bacterials on penis glans and foreskin

A lot of people are unaware that you should never ever use a soap or anti-bacterial or corticosteroid cream over glans or inside foreskin. To wash penis, you should only use water and nothing else.

The reason for that is because soap can affect the bacterial balance present inside the foreskin or over the penis, killing good bacteria, and hence making your penis more vulnerable to infections such as fungal infection.

  1. Foreskin never having been stretched before during teenage years or puberty or after it.

This is related to factor 1 but the difference here is that the foreskin just hasn’t been used to being pulled back when you were a teenager or as an adult. This is also pretty common.

  1. Short Frenulum also called Frenulum Breve

This is not very common but in some cases, the foreskin is tight not because of tight phimotic band but because the frenulum (skin that connects foreskin with glans) itself is too short to enable free retraction and back and forth movement of foreskin

This can also be resolved by doing consistent stretching of frenulum with your hands as shown below. You can also use your Phimostretch ring to stretch frenulum by slowly pulling the ring forward.

However, even if you have a short frenulum the chances are that you ll still have a phimotic band that is restricting the foreskin from retracting freely. So, just stretching the frenulum by itself is not going to be enough. You ll need to stretch the phimotic band as well with the help of rings regularly.

Short frenulum - Frenulum stretching

  1. Medical conditions like Balanitis (BXO) and Lichen sclerosus , eczema, psoriasis etc.

Balanitis is swelling of the foreskin and head of the penis. It can be caused by an infection, inflammation or bad hygiene amongst other things. Typical medications include anti-fungal treatments or steroid creams etc. It can also lead to Lichen Sclerosus and these two are sometimes used interchangeably.

Lichen Sclerosus (also called BXO) is a skin condition on the foreskin that leads to white spots on the foreskin or specifically on the tip of the prepuce, and causes itching and discomfort. It has been said that this condition can not be completely cured or eliminated if you have it but it can be managed. The causes of it are also as of yet unknown. However, the odds of you having this condition is really really low. So, don’t worry about it. If you have it, you will easily know. Your phimosis is most likely caused by other reasons. So, don’t overthink this. Even if you have Lichen Sclerosus, take a trip to doctor and he should prescribe you medication that should treat the white areas on the skin. Once that is gone, you can start stretching your foreskin.

  1. Low insulin sensitivity or Diabetes

Having high glucose in your bloodstream makes it easier for bad bacteria, fungi etc to feast on it thus exacerbating fungal infection.

If you have diabetes, make sure to visit your doctor to control your blood glucose. They usually prescribe Metformin. Having said that having a low carb diet improves insulin sensitivity as well while balancing blood glucose. This can be combined with intermittent fasting as well to get the maximum effect.

  1. Scarring due to forcible retraction during early years of puberty-

If during your early years, you were forcibly retracting foreskin beyond its normal range of retraction, it could cause scarring on the foreskin. A Scarred foreskin is also very tight and hence wouldn’t retract fully.



There may be one or multiple factors that would have contributed to your phimosis. However, the solution is still the same and it works in 99% of the cases. So, even though it is good to understand what could have caused phimosis in your particular case, it is much more important that you take action to stretch your foreskin no matter what the cause is. The only caveat to this is that you should make sure that your foreskin is not unhealthy before you start stretching. If it is then first work on treating that infection. This is why Coconut oil is just so versatile. It is a powerful anti-fungal and prevents bad bacteria growth. So, if you have fungal infection, using a coconut oil is a must. Plus it also acts as a lubricant for your stretching. If you have condition like Lichen Sclerosus or Balanitis, we would suggest you to visit a doctor first and resolve those underlying issues before stretching. However, for 99% of the phimosis cases, if you have tight foreskin, chances are it is because of other issues, and all you need to do is use coconut oil and Phimostretch rings to resolve it.

P.S- Don't just read about the causes of why you have phimosis and then do nothing. Time is money. Get started with resolving it by using Phimostretch Phimosis Stretching rings kit and Extra-Virgin Organic Coconut Oil